Squarespace Website Design & Customization Guides
Your resource for Squarespace website building tips, CSS customization tutorials, code snippets, and business insights. Discover guides, tutorials, and tools to create, customize, and optimize your Squarespace website.
How to Create an 'Under Construction' or 'Coming Soon' Page in Squarespace
I always recommend putting up an “Under Construction” or “Coming Soon” page during the build of the new site to prevent visitors from stumbling upon your un-finished site mid-build. It could be messy while it’s under construction and leave a bad impression.
How to Decline a Web Design Project Like a Pro
There are a lot of good reasons that you might want to decline a project. It’s also important to remember that it’s ok to say no to a project that you don’t want to do when you work for yourself.
5 Convincing Reasons Your Venture Needs New Web Design
Have you ever wondered why your visitors aren’t interacting with your website the way you were expecting them to? The answer may lie in the fact that you have an outdated website that fails to offer good user experience and to elicit certain responses and actions from your visitors.
Particles.js on Squarespace
There is a plethora of amazing effects that anyone familiar with CSS and/or Javascript can implement on a customized website. However, because the HTML is already written for you when you’re building with Squarespace, it can be difficult to add custom effects using a combination of HTML, CSS and Javascript, but it can actually be quite easy.
My Journey to Minimalism
If you search Google for minimalism, you will be greeted with hundreds of images of stark white interiors. From pristine homes that have clearly been staged for professional photography, or perhaps a glass vase with a single Gerber Daisy in it.
Force Mobile Navigation on Squarespace Brine Templates
In this article, I’m going to show you how you can force the mobile navigation to show all the time, even when viewing on desktop browsers like I have on this website. It’s really quite simple!
Web Design Trend Predictions for 2020
Now that 2019 is well underway, we can start to consider future web design trends and industry developments for 2020 and beyond. Whether you manage your own website or outsource your services to third-party clients, web development trends are worth keeping in mind.
Color Combinations & Web Design: What You Need to Know
Without realizing it, people automatically judge people by the colors that they wear or the shades that surround them. When someone visits your store, they're influenced by the color of your walls, the tones on your business card - even the color of your suit. Why should color on your website be any less important?
Awesome Tools & Resources for Squarespace Web Designers
I’d like to share some of my favourite tools and resources because all of these tools are free to use, and sharing them is my way of showing appreciation for the help and guidance they’ve provided.
Variable Speed Parallax Effects in Squarespace: Rellax.js
Parallax web design effects have been growing in popularity for years. It’s a wonderful way to add visual interest you your website when done correctly.
Slanted Index Sections in Squarespace
Some time ago, I wrote an article outlining how to create slanted headers and footers. That small bit of code was then featured within the Ghost Plugins library, and I’ve since been bombarded with emails containing questions about how to add slanted sections within a Brine Index.
Web Designers Beware: Don't Fall for This Common Scam
Recently, I fell victim to this common scam that has been plaguing web designers and graphic designers alike, and I feel that I would be doing a disservice to my fellow creatives if I didn’t write my piece about it here.
How To Make Vertical Lines in Squarespace
If you’ve spent any time building a Squarespace website, you know that it’s super easy to make a horizontal line by using a line block. But what about vertical lines?
Web Design Trends for 2019
In the web design business, like any tech-related business, technologies and trends move & change at an impossibly rapid rate. You’ve probably noticed many of these trends emerging already. If not, you’re going to notice them after reading this article.
How to Create a Great Website Portfolio
A portfolio is your chance to tell a story about the successes of your clients and the benefits of hiring a professional like you to build a trustworthy brand. In this article, I’ll outline the steps necessary to help ensure that your website converts those casual looky-loos into people who identify with what you’re selling and potential clients who can’t wait to hire you.