Website Building & Customization Guides


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Business Tips, Squarespace Talk Nabil Benbouza Business Tips, Squarespace Talk Nabil Benbouza

How to Avoid Late & Non-Paying Clients

If you’re a business owner or a freelancer, you know that it can be stressful enough having an unstable and variable income. The last thing you want to worry about is clients that ghost you after your work is done. Your livelihood depends entirely on invoices paid on time by your clients. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Since starting my web design business, I have not encountered this problem once. Here are some tips to prevent late and non-payments

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Business Tips Nabil Benbouza Business Tips Nabil Benbouza

My Top Resources for Free Stock Photos

As a designer, I often scoff at those tacky, cliché stock images of tiny fish-eye perspective people pointing at a giant clock to indicate being late, or an astonished business woman gaping at a huge upward-trending graph with no data on it. However, imagery is one of, if not the most powerful elements of any good design…

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Business Tips Nabil Benbouza Business Tips Nabil Benbouza

How to Create a Great Website Portfolio

A portfolio is your chance to tell a story about the successes of your clients and the benefits of hiring a professional like you to build a trustworthy brand. In this article, I’ll outline the steps necessary to help ensure that your website converts those casual looky-loos into people who identify with what you’re selling and potential clients who can’t wait to hire you.

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Business Tips Nabil Benbouza Business Tips Nabil Benbouza

My #1 Tip for Blogging and Content Marketing

Everyone knows what blogging is. A blog, or "web log" is an online journal used to display information or share views on topics of interest. Content marketing is a little lesser known, but so much more important for businesses like mine who are doing everything they can to gain authority and notoriety within the online space.

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