Squarespace Website Design & Customization Guides
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Web Design Trends for 2023
In the web design business, like any tech-related business, technologies and trends move & change at an impossibly rapid rate. You’ve probably noticed many of these trends emerging already. If not, you’re going to notice them after reading this article.
How Squarespace Changed My Life
Like many, I left high-school with the task (read: burden) of deciding, that very minute, what it was that I was going to do for the rest of my life to make some semblance of a living in this tremendously costly city I call home. What do I want to be when I grow up? In western society, what that really means is: Which profession will define me a person, and how many expensive and unnecessary things do I want to buy to impress people I don’t like?
Relationship, Business, or Both?
This week I’m straying a little from my usual article topic theme. This musing is just something that was inspired by some recent conversations with friends. I’ve observed a rising trend amongst my peers: an ostensively desperate search for romantic companionship (read: “the one”).
5 Convincing Reasons Your Venture Needs New Web Design
Have you ever wondered why your visitors aren’t interacting with your website the way you were expecting them to? The answer may lie in the fact that you have an outdated website that fails to offer good user experience and to elicit certain responses and actions from your visitors.
My Journey to Minimalism
If you search Google for minimalism, you will be greeted with hundreds of images of stark white interiors. From pristine homes that have clearly been staged for professional photography, or perhaps a glass vase with a single Gerber Daisy in it.
Web Design Trend Predictions for 2020
Now that 2019 is well underway, we can start to consider future web design trends and industry developments for 2020 and beyond. Whether you manage your own website or outsource your services to third-party clients, web development trends are worth keeping in mind.
Color Combinations & Web Design: What You Need to Know
Without realizing it, people automatically judge people by the colors that they wear or the shades that surround them. When someone visits your store, they're influenced by the color of your walls, the tones on your business card - even the color of your suit. Why should color on your website be any less important?
Web Designers Beware: Don't Fall for This Common Scam
Recently, I fell victim to this common scam that has been plaguing web designers and graphic designers alike, and I feel that I would be doing a disservice to my fellow creatives if I didn’t write my piece about it here.
Web Design Trends for 2019
In the web design business, like any tech-related business, technologies and trends move & change at an impossibly rapid rate. You’ve probably noticed many of these trends emerging already. If not, you’re going to notice them after reading this article.
What I've Learned From Doing Free Work for Family & Friends
In a very, very short amount of time, I've already encountered several situations during which extended family, friends, colleagues, and even acquaintances have asked for a favour in the form of free design work.
What is Minimalism and Minimalist Design?
Quite simply, minimalists live in white cubes and own nothing. We want for nothing, we lust for nothing and we live in void free of hangups, intention, our anything dear. Minimalists feel a tremendous amount of pain with the thought of acquiring a new object.