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My Top Resources for Free Stock Photos

As a designer, I often scoff at those tacky, cliché stock images of tiny fish-eye perspective people pointing at a giant clock to indicate being late, or an astonished businesswoman gaping at a large upward-trending graph with no data on it. However, I also feel that imagery is one of, if not the most powerful elements of any good design, and although I typically advocate for using your own authentic, relevant images, sometimes it is necessary (or just way easier) to find ready-to-use resources. That's why I've compiled this list of my go-to resources for free stock images.

There is undoubtedly a place for paid stock photography engines, for instance when you need something exceedingly specific (i.e. an African-American, same-sex couple, arguing on a couch in a mediators office *real-life example*). But, in most cases, you can find something great from a free stock image website.

In my experience, the images you find within these free photo marketplaces are more natural-looking and there are fewer images that look like they’ve been staged. The downside is that you sacrifice selection and search granularity. I like to start my search with these sites, then move to paid options when necessary.

Why not use Google Images?

  • Stock image services offer beautiful, curated, professional photos from creatives and are likely better than any you could take yourself;

  • You don't have to worry as much about usage licences; it’s never a good idea to use images you find in a Google image search.

  • You'll reduce your risk of being served with a lawsuit.

Always make sure to double-check the licence of any photo you intend to use to avoid trouble. Even if the licence doesn't require attribution to the author, it's always a nice thing to do and appreciated by the artist.

Go let those creative juices flow!

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