My Top Resources for Free Stock Photos
As a designer, I often scoff at those tacky, cliché stock images of tiny fish-eye perspective people pointing at a giant clock to indicate being late, or an astonished businesswoman gaping at a large upward-trending graph with no data on it. However, I also feel that imagery is one of, if not the most powerful elements of any good design, and although I typically advocate for using your own authentic, relevant images, sometimes it is necessary (or just way easier) to find ready-to-use resources. That's why I've compiled this list of my go-to resources for free stock images.
There is undoubtedly a place for paid stock photography engines, for instance when you need something exceedingly specific (i.e. an African-American, same-sex couple, arguing on a couch in a mediators office *real-life example*). But, in most cases, you can find something great from a free stock image website.
In my experience, the images you find within these free photo marketplaces are more natural-looking and there are fewer images that look like they’ve been staged. The downside is that you sacrifice selection and search granularity. I like to start my search with these sites, then move to paid options when necessary.
Why not use Google Images?
Stock image services offer beautiful, curated, professional photos from creatives and are likely better than any you could take yourself;
You don't have to worry as much about usage licences; it’s never a good idea to use images you find in a Google image search.
You'll reduce your risk of being served with a lawsuit.
One of the biggest & best resources for free photos. Additionally, Squarespace has partnered with Unsplash to make it even easier to insert images into your site. Use the image search function within image blocks or galleries to insert photos directly from Unsplash.
+ Huge library with hundreds of thousands of photos & thousands more added every day.
+ High-quality & natural looking photos.
+ Free for personal and commercial use.
- Search function needs improvement. You cannot get specific with your search terms.
A very close second to Unsplash, Pexels also has an extremely large library of high-quality images that grows all the time.
+ A huge library of over 50,000 photos with thousands more added every month.
+ Modern, natural looking photos with some crossover from Unsplash and some unique to Pexels.
+ Has a library of free stock videos in addition to the photos. Great for Squarespace video banners.
PikWizard is a companion to DesignWizard, an online platform for creating digital and print collateral using thousands of pre-made templates.
+ Large library of images, many of which differ from the Unsplash and Pexels selection.
+ Higher-than-average selection of images featuring people.
+ Customize and edit images with shapes & text before downloading with their online DesignWizard platform.
+ Free stock videos available in addition to the photos.
- A high number of “Premium” photos mixed in with the free results that forward you to Adobe Photos or Shutterstock.
It’s difficult to take good, appetizing pictures of food. For this reason, there are photographers who specialize in food photography only. Foodiesfeed features amazing images of just food.
+ Niche subject with small library of ~1400, but all photos are amazing quality.
+ Lots of trendy overhead style pics that are currently en vogue.
+ Website can be displayed in 12 different languages.
A small collection of small, hand-picked photos that are curated from many different sources.
+ A great source for beautiful, minimal images.
+ Sort photos based on dominant colors, category, tags, or license.
+ Results show resolution, palette and camera specs
– Images have different licenses, pay attention to whether images require attribution or not.
These photos have a very specific style so you may not have a use for these all the time but Gratisography has the world’s quirkiest collection of high-resolution images, comprised of the most creative images you just won’t find anywhere else.
+ A very niche collection of artistic, eccentric and humorous photos.
+ A different selection than any other free photo resource.
+ All photos are free for personal and commercial use without attribution.
Always make sure to double-check the licence of any photo you intend to use to avoid trouble. Even if the licence doesn't require attribution to the author, it's always a nice thing to do and appreciated by the artist.
Go let those creative juices flow!