Squarespace Website Design & Customization Guides
Your resource for Squarespace website building tips, CSS customization tutorials, code snippets, and business insights. Discover guides, tutorials, and tools to create, customize, and optimize your Squarespace website.
Squarespace: 2018 in Review
2018 was a big year for my business and Squarespace alike. We saw a tremendous number of updates and improvements to the Squarespace platform, and in this post, I’m going to walk through the most notable and useful changes that were brought forth this year.
Squarespace DIY: Which Template is Best?
Before I started building websites for clients, I used Squarespace to build a website for my previous business. It took some time to figure out, but I ended up with a website that I could be proud of, even with my unreasonably high standards.
The Easiest Thing You Can Do To Improve Your Website SEO Right Now
SEO is one of the hottest topics amongst web designers right now. Who's doing it right? Who's doing it wrong? What do search engines like Google use to measure how your website will be displayed?
How to Create a Custom 404 Page in Squarespace + Why It’s Important
ou're a savvy business person and you know the importance of retaining customers. That's why you have a compelling website that keeps people browsing for whole minutes.
The Truth About Squarespace SEO
"Squarespace sucks for SEO." I've heard this almost enough times to believe it, but the one thing I believe for sure is that the people who say that have never used Squarespace before in their lives and just like to start arguments on forums.
This is Why I Build With Squarespace
I often find myself defending Squarespace to so-called "real" web designers. I don't know what that even means—but it's rude. Squarespace is all I've ever known with respect to web design.
4 Reasons You Need A Mobile Friendly Website
Why do I need a mobile friendly website? First of all, that's not something you should ask, you should just know—and if you don't know, you should be ashamed not to know and pretend to know. This blog post is inspired by this interesting article from Google.